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CFU Spanish Center
Spanish 3
Book 2, Part 1
After a brief review of Spanish 1 and 2,
Spanish 3 begins with the “o-ue” stem-
changing verbs.
Next, learn other uses
of the verb to have (tener) by learning
idiomatic expressions to express feelings (to
be hot/cold, to be afraid/patient, etc.) and
how to express “to have to.”
Learn how to
talk about the future using verb to go (ir);
e.g., “I am going to travel to Costa Rica next
month.” Study the use of reflexive pronouns
and verbs and the present progressive tense
(“ing” endings: you are learning, we are
writing, etc.). A key lesson is learning how
to express one’s daily routine. After Spanish
3, you will be able to talk about your daily
routine, how to ask for directions, and how
to express something you are doing in the
moment (ie: “I am talking on the phone”).
$114 Non-Member
$99 Member
$20 for book and CD
: Near 1st & Quebec
L8121ABL: Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 3/23
L8121ABN: Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 4/5
L8121ABO: Five Thu., 7:35-9PM Begins 4/21
L8121ABQ: Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 5/10
L8121ABS: Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 6/1
L8121ABM: Five Mon., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 4/4
L8121ABP: Five Mon., 11:05AM-12:30PMBegins 5/9;
Skips 5/30
L8121ABR: Five Sat., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 5/14;
Skips 5/28
Spanish 4
Book 2, Part 2
Learn the following important grammar
how to talk about the weather (and
activities you do around the weather), the
use of demonstrative adjectives (this table/
that table), indirect object pronouns (me,
te, le, nos, les), and verbs like “gustar”
(how to talk about what you like, what is
hurting you, what is important to you,
etc.) After Spanish 4, you will be able
to form sentences using indirect object
pronouns (“I give the book to him,” “He
sends a message to her”), the present
perfect tense (“I have traveled to Europe,”
“Have you already finished your project?”),
possessive pronouns (mine, yours, etc.),
and comparative adjectives (better than/
worse than).
$114 Non-Member
$99 Member
$20 for book and CD (if not purchased for
Spanish 3)
: Near 1st & Quebec
L8122TD: Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 3/23
L8122TE: Five Mon., 6-7:25PM Begins 4/4
L8122TG: Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 4/27
L8122TI: Five Tue., 7:35-9PM Begins 5/10
L8122TJ: Five Thu., 7:35-9PM Begins 5/26
L8122TK: Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 6/14
L8122TF: Five Wed., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 4/6
L8122TH: Five Mon., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 5/9;
Skips 5/30
L8122TL: Five Mon., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 6/27;
Skips 7/4
Spanish Conversation 2
This class is a perfect follow-up after taking
either Spanish 3 & 4 or Accelerated 2.
Read and discuss a series of fun, cultural
conversations. Engage in spontaneous
conversation topics, role-playing, and more.
Learn new vocabulary while practicing the
use of reflexive verbs, the present perfect,
and indirect object pronouns. Students
should be easily speaking in the present
$114 Non-Member
$99 Member
$10 for book
: Near 1st & Quebec
L8141MR: Five Thu., 6-7:25PM Begins 4/7
L8141MS: Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 4/27
L8141MT: Five Mon., 6-7:25PMBegins 5/9; Skips 5/30
L8141MV: Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 6/14
L8141MX: Five Thu., 7:35-9PM Begins 6/30
L8141MQ2: Five Thu., 1-2:25PM Begins 3/24
L8141MU: Five Wed., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 5/11
L8141MW: Five Mon., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 6/27;
Skips 7/4
Spanish Accelerated 2
Reviews Book 2
Quick pace review of grammar from
Spanish 3 & 4. A perfect class if you are
comfortably speaking in the present tense.
$114 Non-Member
$99 Member
$20 for book and CD
: Near 1st & Quebec
L8133ABA: Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 3/23
L8133ABB: Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 6/1
Spanish Conversation 1
Conversation 1 is a fun, interactive class
designed to reinforce what you have learned
in our Spanish 1 & 2 or Accelerated 1
classes. Students should have a good grasp
and present tense verb
$114 Non-Member
$99 Member
$20 for book and CD
: Near 1st & Quebec
L8140AJG: Five Thu., 6-7:25PM Begins 3/17
L8140AJH: Five Mon., 7:35-9PM Begins 3/21
L8140AJK: Five Tue., 6-7:25PM Begins 4/5
L8140AJM: Five Wed., 7:35-9PM Begins 4/27
L8140AJO: Five Thu., 6-7:25PM Begins 5/12
L8140AJQ: Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 6/8
L8140AJR: FiveMon., 7:35-9PMBegins 6/20; Skips 7/4
L8140AJS: Five Thu., 6-7:25PM Begins 6/30
L8140AJI: Five Sat., 9:30-10:55AMBegins 4/2; Skips 4/9
L8140AJJ: Five Mon., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 4/4
L8140AJL: Five Tue., 11:05AM-12:30PM Begins 4/26
L8140AJP: Five Tue., 1-2:25PM Begins 5/31
L8140AJQ2: Five Wed., 9:30-10:55AM Begins 6/15
Spanish Accelerated 1
Reviews Book 1
This course covers the grammar from Book
1 in five weeks. It is recommended for
students who would like a review of Spanish
1 & 2 or for those who already speak a
romance language and can learn at a quick
If you have studied Spanish in the
recent past, and need a quick refresher of
ser, estar and verbs in the present tense,
this is the course for you!
$114 Non-Member
$99 Member
$20 for book and CD
: Near 1st & Quebec
L8125LB: Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 3/23
L8125LD: Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 4/27
L8125LE: Five Thu., 7:35-9PM Begins 5/12
L8125LF: Five Mon., 6-7:25PM Begins 6/6; Skips 7/4
L8125LC: Five Mon., 1-2:25PM Begins 4/4
Level 1
Level 2
Medical Spanish 1
Perfect if you have never studied
Spanish or if you have had just a little.
Learn grammar basics along with
medical terminology including anatomy,
symptoms and asking about a patient’s
$114 Non-Member
$99 Member
$10 for book
: Near 1st & Quebec
L8063LV: Five Mon., 7:35-9PM Begins 4/25
L8063LX: Five Wed., 6-7:25PM Begins 6/1
L8063LW: Five Mon., 1-2:25PM Begins 5/9;
Skips 5/30
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,...48
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