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— Health Care Properties Quarterly — January 2017



ll joking aside, this is a really

important question.With

the drive to improve patient

experience for both attrac-

tion and retention, a push to

embrace advanced technologies and a

move to modernization in health care

properties, I invite you to consider

what it takes to change the lights

in your facility to LED. And, more

importantly, recognize the reasons

that 2017 is the time to do it. I’d like

to believe the answer to the proposed

question is just one.When you do the

math on this limited time opportu-

nity, it really does sell itself.

As a lighting and sustainability pro-

fessional, I have been involved with

starting rebate programs across the

country and helped write the guide-

lines for the Energy Policy Act of 2005.

Based on my experience, I believe LED

is the healthy choice for health care

facilities. In many ways, I see all of

the benefits of LED amplified in the

health care environment. Improved

consistency and lighting quality

makes for a safer, more comfort-

ing and capable work environment.

This is true for patients, doctors and

visitors. Lower energy and mainte-

nance cost benefits the owners and

occupants’ bottom line. This is on top

of all of the utility demand manage-

ment, reduction of carbon emissions

and extended life LEDs. This has a

positive effect on profitability, the

environment and helps to significant-

ly reduce monthly energy costs.

I have been completing large proj-

ects on a citywide and nationwide

scope for municipalities and com-

mercial entities for 15 years. As such,

I have overseen many successful

retrofitting and

new construction

projects using LED.

One of the com-

panies I represent,

Bravo Lighting, was

responsible for part

of the LED light-

ing upgrades at

Children’s Hospital

Colorado in Aurora.

As a Colorado dis-

tributor that focuses

on LED lighting,

we were pleased to

see a resulting sav-

ing of 70 percent

on energy, a three

times extended

lamp life, improved lighting levels,

improved lighting quality, reduced

maintenance and the financial ben-

efits garnered from utility rebates and

tax certifications. For this project, and

many others, Bravo Lighting, in part,

utilized enviro-glo LEDs, a specialized

LED brand that maximizes efficiency

and quality while remaining one of

the most cost-effective LED retrofits


Additionally Green Efficiency Solu-

tions helped maximize the value of

the Xcel Energy utility rebate to offset

upfront cost and certified an Energy

Policy Act accelerated depreciation to

speed up payback time. The resulting

return on investment is much better

than one would expect to see from

investment packages from anyone.

The continued energy savings and

maintenance savings often create

returns on investment of 12 to 30

percent-plus annually.

Many hospitals and health care

facilities have recognized these

obvious benefits and have already

upgraded to LED. The largest group

that has not made the switch is ten-

ants and landlords dealing with triple

net leases. In the case of a triple net

lease, all the costs of utilities, main-

tenance and operating the space are

passed on to the tenant. The savings

are not gained by the owner, so they

opt out of the cost to upgrade. Since

the tenants don’t own the property,

they may chose not to invest in the


In the triple net space, the incen-

tive can make the difference.With

rebates and tax benefits combined,

large percentages, sometimes over

100 percent of the total cost, can be

covered. The tenant may want to pay

for the remaining costs to complete

the upgrade if the payback period is

faster than the terms of the lease.

There are also finance programs such

as performance contracts, leases

and Commercial Property Assessed

Clean Energy. C-PACE is available in

certain areas, such as Denver, which

can help offset upfront costs and the

loan repayment is tied to the property

taxes for the building, rather than to

an individual or business, and can be

paid back over 20 years.

Howmany admins. does it take to change a bulb?

Trey Littell

National director

of sales, Bravo

Lighting, Lafayette.

He also is the

owner of Green

Efficiency Solutions

and Efficiency


A look at Children’s Hospital Colorado, where a 70 percent on energy savings occurred

with the switch to LED.

Please see ‘Littell,’ Page 18