Windsor Gardens Life

Windsor Life Page 4 and January 15.” The seasonal decorations in my building, along with many other buildings here in Windsor Gardens, change with the seasons. In fact, the decorations in our lobbies change EVERY month as different people volunteer to decorate for that month. Is the Architecture Review Committee coming to my building each and every month to “approve” of the decorations in our lobbies on every floor?? Our building has spent between $1000 and $1500 for the furniture and decorations in our lobby. Why does the Architecture Review Committee believe that each and every lobby should be the same? And, why does the Architecture Review Committee get to, once again, determine what is ‘neutral’ and aesthetically pleasing? To whom? Other than those six people?? Why did this committee consider doing away with our building libraries in our laundry rooms?? Why did this committee consider doing away with door mats (I have mine so people will wipe their feet and not track into my residence), hallway tables (I use mine to put down groceries so that I can unlock my door) along with the beautiful floral decorations on those tables, and the small neutral pictures (I currently have a waterfall) within my door inset?? Why does the Architecture Review Committee have the power to take away the unique qualities of Windsor Gardens?? We are NOT like any other condominium organization in Denver, and possibly the United States. Why do we need to be?? Just what are the acceptable design and safety standards that will be used to judge the lobby furniture and decorations? What happens when the ‘artwork’ that this committee is proposing gets ripped off the walls? We have had enough vandalism in our own building – usually by outside people – that this is almost guaranteed to happen. How much money goes down the rabbit hole in replacing this artwork? Or, will it not be replaced, and we will have a long, bare tunnel of painted walls to live with?? Just because one or two people on this committee have an agenda to make our buildings all the same, aesthetically pleasing to them, does not mean that the remaining residents of Windsor Gardens think so. I believe it’s time to stop and take a breath. The logistics of this proposed policy have not been thought through. Thank you for allowing me to express my views. Kathy Young Proposed Common Area Restrictions and Redecorating When looking for a new home in 2012, I chose Windsor Gardens as the “place to start” and looked no further. Besides the friendly people, beautiful landscaping with summer flowers and clean buildings, I was intrigued and excited to see all of the welcoming decorations on doors and hallways. Leaving the title company on December 18 I drove directly to my new home and hung MY Christmas decorations for my condo. I embraced being a part of this new, bright, welcoming community. Seeing the small tables and intriguing decorations resulted in me searching sales until I found a small table that fit perfectly and would hold my floral arrangements to add cheer to my home and hallway. Residents comment their grandchildren and guests insist on walking the halls when they visit to see all the pretty, new monthly or seasonal decorations. Some even vote among themselves for the best door and floor in the building. Malvina Reynolds’ 1962 song “Little Boxes” (AKA the “Ticky-Tacky Song” ) immediately came to mind when I learned of the proposed LETTERS continued from page 3 restrictions and redecorating. Reynolds’ point was that despite everyone’s attempt at diversity, everyone is really succumbing to social conformity. Her observations are quite true, even today. To paraphrase her words: Although people have [color coordinated, decoration free hallways] their lack of true uniqueness, makes them mass produced, “ticky-tacky,” and “all just the same.” We at WG are far from “all just the same!” If there’s a decoration I don’t enjoy, I just ignore it. Fortunately, I don’t have to do that often. I chose to move into a UNIQUE community, not a sterile, non- descript, cold, unwelcoming, commercial or institutional environment. New paint, carpeting and lighting are surely welcome, but doors all the same color and no decorations is, in my humble opinion, TICKY- TACKY TO THE MAXIMUM!!! M Jeanne Lee Policy Committee Meeting on June 13, 2018 The East and West Rooms at CenterPoint were FULL of people that live in Windsor Gardens. Many people spoke about the proposed decorating policy; all that spoke were against the policy. The people who spoke wanted to be able to decorate their front door and NOT have it painted the same color as the walls in the hallway. NOT to have our buildings look like a nursing home, hospital, detention center or a hotel. The people spoke out saying they wanted to have their individual personality come out to the doorway. Concerning lobby furniture and decorative pieces, pages 2 and 3 of the proposal: The Architectural Review Committee will inform the building whether the request meets the acceptable design and safety standards and can continue to be utilized in those specified areas. As a building representative I will take responsibility to make sure there are NO decorations that are offensive, NO safety concerns, NO broken furniture, and NO dirty areas around the doors, I know ALL the people in my building, and the Architectural Review Committee does NOT. I can have more understanding and compassion for the people in my building and adhere to the policy (whatever that may be). If there is a problem I can’t handle, I can contact Chris Scovil, Covenant Enforcement Officer, for help, I have done this in the past, and he is very good at helping with any issue. The residents of Windsor Gardens are involved with this issue now, because if we had waited until everything was decided on, we would not be able to dispute anything. It is better to let ALL the committees and the Board know NOW. Before the policy is adopted, the residents can hopefully influence the Board to follow the majority of people in Windsor Gardens. Claudia Farrell Thank You for the Leak Cleanup and Repair We wanted to say a big thank you and great job to all those who played a role in the cleanup and repair of our unit ollowing a leak in Building 19's roof. Thanks to Jose, Danny and Robert of the the paint crew for the repairs, paint and cleanup. Thanks to Derek of Aladdin Carpet Cleaning for making the carpet look fantastic. And thanks to Bill Walsh and Tami Bonner for your quick response. Please keep Building 19 on the fast track for a new roof. Kathy McVicker Sharon Van Schoiack LETTERS continued on page 5