Swap Shop - page 10

t affects all of us, even if you are not aware
of the situation. Every school and every
teacher is aware, every Doctor is aware,
every nurse is aware, every police officer
is aware, every attorney, every courtroom,
every pharmacy. I could go on and on, but this should
get your attention. It exists in Pearl River County just as
every other county. We are not immune.
You are probably familiar with AA and even Al-Anon
for the families and friends of alcoholics; but are you
aware that there is NA - Narcotics Anonymous Group
right here in Picayune that holds 16 meetings every
week. Now, for the first time in Pearl River County,
there is a Nar-Anon Family Group. Until now, the fam-
ilies and friends of drug addicts and recovering addicts
have never had a support group.
Our Nar-Anon Family Group has only been here for
8 months and has been welcomed by everyone it affects
- parents with children in recovery, Grandparents rais-
ing their grandchildren because the parents are addicts
or in recovery, husbands or wives whose spouse is an ad-
dict or is in recovery, individuals that have a friend that
is an addict or needs to be in recovery.
Everyone has a different reason to seek help, someone
to talk to about their situation or just to listen and
realize that they are not alone.
Anon.org lists the Nar-Anon meetings that are
worldwide. Our main source of daily help
comes from the SESH book - Sharing
Experience Strength & Hope. We also have pamphlets
with helpful information - which can assist in coping
with the changes to your life due to addiction.
There is no charge to come to the meetings, you do
not need an appointment, all you need to do is come.
We respect your anonymity. Sharing your story is up to
the individual - some come and just listen until they re-
alize they are not alone.
The Mission Statement is: The Nar-Anon Family
Groups are a worldwide fellowship for those affected by
someone else's addiction. As a twelve step program, we
offer our help by sharing our experience, strength and
Nar-Anon is not a religious group but a spiritual way
of life letting individuals work through their situation
with the assistance of a Higher Power as they see in their
life. We do not gossip and we do not tell each other
what they need to do concerning the addict they are con-
cerned about. We are strictly an autonomist group, what
is shared in a meeting, stays there.
We meet on Tuesday nights between 7:30pm and
8:30pm at #6 Seibenkittel Circle - across the street from
Ace Hardware (North) on HWY 11. If you have a friend
or family member involved with drugs, take the chance
to better your life by coming to a meeting.
By Robin N.
has a Drug
| Fall 2016
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