Gulf Pine Catholic

8 Gulf Pine Catholic • August 18, 2023 Gulf Pine Catholic • August 18, 2023 9 Bishop Kihneman visits Fazenda da Esperança , a Ministry for the Homeless and Addicted in Brazil Bishop Kihneman is pictured with priests, seminarians, and lay ministers of the Seminary at The National Shrine of Our Lady Aparecida. Bishop Kihneman celebrates Mass. The chapels associated with the Fazenda da Esperança were all designed by the same person and they used materials discarded by others. Bishop Kihneman preaches at Mass The bishop blesses men who are in their second month at the Fazenda . The men all dropped to their knees and linked arms to be blessed and prayed for. Many came to tears. The bishop blesses men in their first month of Fazenda . Notice the difference in stance and posture for the blessing. Bishop Kihneman distributes Holy Communion to the Cloistered Sisters of St. Clare. Music ministry at Mass for the Women at Women and Children’s Fazenda. Franciscan Sisters who work with the Women at the Fazenda da Esperança for Women and Children. The two men are the guides who translated for Bishop Kihneman who will be going to Diocese of Corpus Christi.