Gulf Pine Catholic

16 Gulf Pine Catholic • August 18, 2023 The Gulf Pine Catholic is in the process of moving and merging databases. If you receive more than one copy of the paper, your paper has stopped coming, or you are having any issues receiving your paper, please call our office at (228) 702-2127 or (228) 702-2109. We appreciate those who have called already as it helps us to delete duplicates and correct problems. We ask for your patience as we work through the process. Thank you and God Bless. Bishop Kihneman dedicates Nativity Marian Chapel to diocesan patron saints; blesses votive candles On July 23, Bishop Louis F. Kihneman III dedicated the Marian Chapel at Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Cathedral in Biloxi to St. Joseph & St. Martin de Porres, the Patron Saints of the Diocese of Biloxi. The bishop also blessed a votive prayer candle area donated by the Hammond family. Earl Hammond was a longtime parishioner of Nativity and volunteered countless hours as a vital part of the upkeep of the Cathedral. Hammond died on November 16, 2022. Photos/Juliana Skelton