Gulf Pine Catholic

Gulf Pine Catholic • August 20, 2021 23 Vacation Bible School was held at Annunciation Parish in Kiln on July28-30. There were 30 participants. A nnunication P arish , K iln S t . E lizabeth S eton P arish , O cean S prings On July 31, members of the Evangelization communities ( Be My Witness, ARISE, Together in Christ, Discipleship Quads ), CCD teachers, RCIA, prayer groups and parents with children in Catholic school experienced the Kerygma proclamation om Father Mike O’Connor (pictured above). “KERYGMA” is the Proclamation of “JESUS CHRIST.” They also learned about the Evangelization process that the parish is developing. Said Father Sergio Balderas, “The event was a real blessing for all of us and a special encounter with Jesus Christ.” At Mass, parishioners were given a copy of the book, Making Missionary Disciples by Curtis Martin so they can start learning about the journey of discipleship. Father Sergio and St. Elizabeth Seton parishioners appreciate . O’Connor’s min- istry The parishioners were glad to attend this workshop, as they learned the story of Jesus Christ and how to reflect on a life of conversion for their own lives. According to Father Sergio, “This was just the start of a long journey of Evangelization that will lead us to form Intentional Disciples for Jesus Christ, here at St. Elizabeth.” “I am weary but delighted to do something helpful for the poor,” said Sister Ngo. She said sisters receive food om local farmers, then pack items and deliver them to factory workers, migrants and people in need in isolated and quarantined places. On July 16, at the city’s request, Father Joseph Mary Tran Hoa Hung of the Ho Chi Minh City Archdiocese called on local religious to volunteer to serve COVID-19 patients over the next one or two months at health centers. He said those who are under the age of 40 and have no preexisting illnesses will be chosen, inoculated and trained in health care before being sent to the centers. Pham, based in Vietnam, is a correspondent for Global Sisters Report. GSR Vietnam Covid Nuns om page 20 Knights Convention Kelly om page 17 -- With the donations of wheelchairs in past year, the Knights’Global Wheelchair Mission has donated over 100,000 around the world over the past 18 years. -- $4.4 million for persecuted Christians in the Middle East, with total Middle East relief efforts standing at more than $30 million, and new efforts focused on Nigeria. “Let us summon the creative courage to fulfill the calling that our Lord has placed on our hearts. And let us take comfort in the knowledge that the work of our order is far om over,” Kelly said in concluding his remarks. “The work of the Knights of Columbus is only beginning -- and we are the ones who will carry it forward.” Pray for all those who are suffering om the results of hurricanes, earthquakes, and war, Covid. Pray for peace on earth!