CREJ - page 52

and developing design concepts for the dozen or so structures
that would eventually introduce shade, architectural inter-
est and a variety of public amenities.
After studying the climate of Abu Dhabi, how sun is
controlled, and how structures are brought to life under
the region’s harsh desert light, a series of culturally sen-
sitive buildings (including an Entrance Pavilion, Amphi-
theatre, Botanical Garden Shade House, Children’s Garden
Pavilion, Evening Garden Pavilion and Friends of the Park
Pavilion) were designed based on a common architectural
vocabulary and high-quality materials. Today, each build-
ing demonstrates a signature expressive element that sets
it apart, and all buildings respond to and sculpt with the
strong Middle Eastern sun. Although overt cultural refer-
ences were avoided, the overall design effect is a coherent,
elegant, crisp and tactile modernity fitting of its context.
Because the client was more comfortable with face-to-
face interaction than email or teleconferencing, Semple
Brown’s design concepts initially were shared via book-
lets hand-carried to Abu Dhabi by Lloyd, who logged more
than 30 trips over the eight-year period. “I once traveled 53
hours roundtrip for a three-hour meeting!” declares Lloyd.
Once they were able to meet the client, their devel-
opment team and project manager, the process became
much the same as it is in the U.S.
“It quickly became an interactive process with fat pens,
tracing paper and Sketchup loaded on our laptops,” recalls
Gallagher. “In fact, I think seeing 3-D computer models be-
ing spun around for them instantly was both a new expe-
rience and an epiphany for them. That really sealed the
deal for our design.”
Building construction was also strongly impacted by
culture. “The way they construct things there is very dif-
ferent than what we’re accustomed to,” explains Gallagher.
“There is a greater emphasis on construction documents
in the U.S., while in Abu Dhabi, most of the details and
coordination happen in the field with more oversight of
the contractor. Also, the vast majority of architecture is
constructed of concrete due to its cost effectiveness and
heating and cooling properties.”
Although concrete is very labor intensive to build with, the
manpower pool is so plentiful and cheap in the UAE – and
there is so much sand and aggregate readily available – that
it’s easy to see why so few structures are made steel or wood.
/ Cultural Odyssey: Designing Abu Dhabi’s Mushrif Central Park /
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