Swap Shop

MUSIC EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Victrola, needs to be restored. Call 601-798-0782. FOR SALE: Karaoke system with speaker and TV, $125. Please Call 985-290-4627. The greater the crime perpetrated by the lead- ership, the less likely it is that the people will ever believe their lead- ers to be capable of per- petrating such an event. Adolph Hitler. The boy stood on the burning deck Eating peanuts by the peck; His father called him, he wouldn’t go, Because he loved the peanuts so. Anonymous. ELECTRONICS FOR SALE: (6) Walkie Talkies, new in box, $100. Please Call 985- 273-9972. FOR SALE: 72-Foot free-standing tower, no guide wires needed, $4000. Please Call 601- 517-9963 or 601-517- 9962. FOR SALE: 50-Inch HD Samsung smart televi- sion, Picayune area, $100. Call 769-926- 2105 between 9am-5pm. Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you. Walt Whit- man. WANTED WANTED: Someone to drive a passenger in Picayune to doctors’ ap- pointments. Please Call 601-916-3932. WANTED: Someone to help put a roof on a deck. Call 601-215-0682. WANTED TO TRADE: Your 2-door long-bed pickup truck, for my 2008 Harley Davidson FLHX “Screaming Eagle” Street Glide. Please Call 228-313-0808. WANTED: Car or truck for about $4000. Must have cold air, no big en- gines or gas burners. Please call after 9 am. In Picayune. Please Call 601-799-2183. WANTED: Someone to do trim work around (2) doors. Please Call 601- 215-0137. WANTED: Anchor line. Call 601-347-7273. WANTED: Someone to level a house in Picayune. Please Call 601-798-7969. WANTED: 4-Foot to 6- foot box blade. Please Call 601-569-5684. WANTED: Free egg cartons. Please Call 985-774-3726. WANTED: Male Shih Tzu dog. Please Call 985-290-4627. May 2, 2022 | Swap Shop News | 19