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Dr. Bolton said Triplett had a reputation for being very tough on his players during practice, Dr. Bolton said that during halftime, Calvin was very calm and had a unique way talking to his players to get their at- tention. “He would go around to them one by one and talk to them about what they need to do in a very calm voice,” Dr. Bolton shared. D.L.’s wife Wanda died in 2008 and Sandra’s hus- band Larry passed away in April 2011. D.L and Sandra’s time together first started in De- cember 2012 at a Christmas hosted by Keeth Buck- ley. Sandra saw D.L. there and spoke to him. D.L. claims that she asked him to get her food for her be- cause she had just recovered from a surgery. A short time later, D.L. came to church at Trinity United Methodist Church one Sunday. Sandra was the chairman of the greeting committee, and Kather- ine Furr ‘kindly’ told Sandra she did not properly greet him (truth is she couldn’t get to him before he departed). Well, D.L. came back the next Sunday, and this time, Sandra made sure she spoke to him and gave him a welcome greeting to Trinity, which also got her off the hook with Ms. Furr. Shortly after that Sunday, D.L. called Sandra on a Sunday afternoon and she answered the phone even though it was a cell number she did not recog- nize. This voice says “Sandra?”, she replied “Yes”, and he responded, “This is D.L.”. Sandra said she almost fainted. D.L. asked her if she would like to go to dinner some- time and she accepted. A short time after they went out. D.L. later told Sandra that Keeth and DaLinda Gill (she cuts D.L.’s hair) had been trying to get him to ask her out. Things progressed well and they would marry in June 2013. D.L. and Sandra say this is their last chapter, refer- ring to their marriage and precious time together. “We really enjoy each other’s company. We have never had a bad day. We had to have been meant for each other, or we would not be here,” Sandra said. “We have some things we do regularly, like meeting some friends at Southern Char Steakhouse one night a week for dinner and conversation, and we also go to Loretta Ford’s house regularly,” Sandra said. “I am thankful the Lord let us all grow old to- gether.” “Loretta is a great cook,” D.L. added quickly. Since coming to Trinity, D.L.’s love of and dedication to the church has grown, despite the lack of a ‘proper greeting’ his first time there. For several years (before Covid), D.L. went every Sunday morning around 7:30 am and opened both buildings, turning on either A/C or heat, and made the coffee in the Sanctuary. D.L. and Sandra also fixed communion for several years as well. He also helps out at the church by trimming the shrubbery, and assists with the upkeep of the ‘Larry Barker Prayer Garden’ that’s adjacent to the church in tip- top shape as well. Several times during his medical practice, when working with a patient that was critically ill, Dr. Bolton shared how he would be in situations when he was- n’t sure exactly what to do. “I’d be at that moment, and a few seconds later, it would come to me (what needed to be done). I know where that came from,” Dr. Bolton stated referencing God’s guidance and wisdom. “Fate kept me here in Picayune, and I’ve been here for 57 years. I’m very grateful for the time I’ve had in Picayune. I have never regretted being here one bit. It’s a great place to live,” Dr. Bolton said with a bright and broad smile. Just think for a moment about the lives of so many that may have had a different outcome, or even death, if Dr. Bolton would have not stayed in Picayune. The countless times he was able to make a difference; the wisdom he continues to share through his volunteering at Manna. As we have noted in his story, both fate and faith have kept Dr. Dewitt Lamar Bolton in Picayune. Thank God he chose to stay. www.southernsenior.info 23 S