Manataba Messenger

Page 6 CRIT pays tribute to its LGBTQ+ members in proclamation (June 15, 2022) In honor of this procla- mation, the raising and placement of the Progress Flag took place. This Flag at CRIT Administrative Offices is a vis- ible symbol of progress with CRIT’s Proclamation of June as Pride Month in recognition of our LGBTQ+ community. The Progress Flag Designed in 2018 by Graphic designer Daniel Quasar, Quasar added a five-colored chevron to the classic six- colored Rainbow Flag to place a greater emphasis on “inclusion and progression.” The Progress Pride Flag is widely recognized as the symbol of lesbian, gay, bisex- ual and transgender (LGBTQ+) community. The chevron placement is represents a forward movement. The flag includes black and brown stripes to represent marginalized LGBTQ+ communities of color, along with the colors pink, light blue and white, which are used on the Transgender Pride Flag. LGBT Pride Month declaration origins First, President Bill Clinton declared June "Gay & Lesbian Pride Month" in 1999 and 2000. Then, from 2009 to 2016, President Barack Obama declared June LGBT Pride Month each year he was in office. Later, President Joe Biden said June LGBTQ+ Pride Month in 2021. What is Pride Month, and why is it important? Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month (LGBT Pride Month) is celebrated annually in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots and work to achieve equal justice and equal opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) Americans. In June of 1969, patrons and supporters of the Stonewall Inn in New York City staged an uprising to resist the police harassment and persecution to which LGBT Americans were commonly subjected. This uprising marks the beginning of a movement to outlaw discriminatory laws and practices against LGBT Americans. Today, celebrations include pride parades, picnics, par- ties, workshops, symposia, and concerts, and LGBT Pride Month events attract millions of participants worldwide. Memorials are held during this month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. What is the message of pride month? The purpose of the commemorative month is to recog- nize the impact that LGBTQ individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally. As we celebrate Pride Month this June, let us not only observe how far we have come in the struggle for the human rights of LGBTQ+ persons but also acknowledge the challenges that remain. LGBTQ+ people worldwide continue to face discrimi- nation, violence, and other forms of persecution because of who they are and whom they love. In their honor and to honor our loved ones that are members of the LGBTQ+ the #1 action all people can do is to edu- cate themselves. Although there is still so much work to do, the Colorado River Indian Tribes is proud to lead by the power of example, including the example set by the LGBTQ+ members of our workforce, in promoting human rights for all persons. Diversity, equity, and inclusion in government lead to an overall increase in effectiveness. CRIT understands that our tribal member's effective participation can lead to meaningful social change, further stabilizing our democratic processes. Contributions to this content:, CRIT Media Elizabeth Welsh-Munoz, CRIT AG Rebecca Loudbear & CRIT TC Jaymee Moore. GRADUATION MESSAGE FROM CRIT TRIBAL COUNCIL FROM COVER GRAPHIC: THE COLORADO RIVER INDIAN TRIBAL COMMUNITY, TRIBAL COUNCIL WITH ALL ADMINISTRATION AND STAFF HONORS & RECOGNIZES THE CLASS OF 2022! The Colorado River Indian Tribes, in partner- ship with the family and community, is dedi- cated to excellence and committed to maximizing every student’s opportunity to reach their full potential for achievement. See graduate listing on Page ___ Internet Survey coming to all CRIT Tribal members over 16+ years old On June 7, 2022, the Colorado River Indian Tribal Council took action to approve the CRIT Community Broadband Survey 2022. Also, it granted permission to the CRIT Enrollment office to mail the questionnaire to all tribal members aged 16 years and older residing within the exterior boundaries of the Colorado River Indian Reservation. They believe this is the best way to ensure all tribal members within this age bracket will obtain it. According to the resolution, the Tribal Council, as authorized by the Constitution of the Colorado River Indian Tribes, provides for the administration of the health, education, and welfare of tribal members. It also states that the Federal government and states have been streaming significant amounts of money into develop- ing broadband in rural areas, specifically tribal commu- nities. To be more competitive in the broadband grant appli- cation process, a master plan would be beneficial in showing the funding agencies that CRIT is on track to create and maintain broadband access on the Reservation for the community. The Tribal Council wishes to have the input of its mem- bership in developing a tribal broadband master plan, and the best way to obtain feedback from the tribal membership is a survey sent to all members. The foregoing resolution was duly approved on June 7, 2022, by a vote of 6 for, 0 against, and 0 abstaining. Why is it essential for CRIT to survey its membership? CRIT needs to use surveys because they play an indis- pensable role in helping government support the com- munity and tribal members they represent. Our tribal council can better understand and prioritize needs by gathering thorough information on public concerns. Surveys give quicker government responses, albeit the government is often criticized for being slow. Every tool helps our leaders receive better well-rounded and whole feedback on a broader scale which is more indicative of what the tribal membership truly wants. Many different types of surveys can be considered: Government satisfaction surveys, Environmental issues surveys, Voter registration surveys, etc., to name a few. The following survey on the next page was provided by the CRIT Planning Department that created it, and CRIT Enrollment will distribute it.