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Page 5 Election Schedule:  Recommendations for Voters PRACTICE HEALTHY BEHAVIORS TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND SLOW THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 Recommendations for VotersPractice healthy behaviors to protect yourself and slow the spread of COVID-19 1. Wash your hands before entering and after leaving the polling location. 2. While in the polling location, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, especially after touching surfaces frequently touched by multiple people, such as door handles or voting machines. 3. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues inlined trash cans. Wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer con- taining at least 60% alcohol. 4. Wear a mask. Children under two and anyone who has trouble breathing is incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance should not wear a mask. 5. Maintain at least 6 feet (about two arms’ length) of dis- tance from others. It is crucial to continue social distanc- ing even when you and others are wearing masks. —Consider voting alternatives available in your jurisdic- tion that minimizes contact. Voting alternatives that limit the number of people you come in contact with or the amount of time you are in con- tact with others can help reduce the spread of COVID-19. Check your local election office website external icon for more information on voting alternatives available in your jurisdiction. —-Do not disinfect or wipe down the voting equipment yourself. Cleaners and disinfectants can damage electron- ic voting equipment. If you use hand sanitizer before touching the voting equipment, ensure your hands are completely dry to avoid damaging the equipment. Wash your hands or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer after using the voting equipment. AVOID CROWDS —Use early voting, if available in your jurisdiction. Vote at off-peak times, such as mid-morning. —If driving to the polls and your schedule allows, moni- tor the voter line from your car and join it when it’s short- er. BE PREPARED Check your voting location and requirements in advance because they may have changed due to COVID-19. Verify your voter registration information is correct in advance of reporting to the polling location.Contact your local or state election office external icon for additional information for voters with disabilities. Make sure you have all the necessary documents to avoid delays at the polling location. If possible, complete any registration forms before arriv- ing at the polling location. Where possible, review or complete a sample ballot at home to speed the process of casting your vote at the polling location. If your name is on this list please call the CRIT  Enrollment office and update your contact information. (928) 669-1240 DISTRICT #1 —POLLING SITE 6AM- 6PM Please wear a mask.