Manataba Messenger

Page 9 Memorial Day Weekend 2020 Big River Development Enterprise and CRIT Fish and Game Department working the enforcement of Resolution 54-20 in Big River, CA on the Colorado River Indian reservation. CRIT Wildland Fire is currently assisting also with enforcement. Thank you first responders! Running Man employee Debbie Carter and off duty police officer Yeomans, both safely wearing their PPE in public. Thank you Running Man & CRIT PD! Bluewater Resort and Casino security guards doing their job in blocking and refusing access to the beaches. They even blocked this photographer. Great work security! :) Informed on 06/09/2020 by Public Relations officer for BWRC Tina Holt that there will be no fireworks show this year due to the pandemic. Until patrons can be guaranteed safe, no activities. Department of Health and Social Services Acting Director Isabel Deleon and staff implemented three mass food distributions and many smaller more targeted demographics of our most vulnerable population. IHS Environmental office crew with Zach Hargis all worked together to make the emergency food box distribution run smoothly. Thank you CRIT Utilities! Let’s beat Covid 19! Rose Acre Farm, Vicksberg AZ donated eggs for tribal members. L-R: Edwin Welsh, Adam Banuelos, Miguel Gonzales and Councilman Hill assisted with transporting. DHSS Acting Deputy Director Lauren Drennan making cold bags of sausage and eggs. DHSS is a giant with 80 employees and 10 programs under them.