Leisure World News

The speed limit on Leisure World streets is 25 mph. No passing. Be vigilant at crosswalks! News LeisureWorld JULY HIGHLIGHTS: Broadway Shows Page B1 Coyotes Page A8 Rendezvous Cafe Page A30 THE OFFICIAL NEWS PUBLICATION OF LEISURE WORLD ARIZONA JULY 2022 | www.lwca.com What the Flag Means to Me “It means -Freedom- to me” -Fred Smith The flag represents the backbone of America, the brave people who fought and died to make and keep this country free, and the people who still believe in freedom and what it really means to be “Free”! -Valerie Lampard “A symbol reminding us of our history and how we got here and how lucky we are to live in this country” -Theron Bowers “American Freedom” -Teri Cuocci “…there are 50 states, and everyone is a star. That’s what we are supposed to be. We are supposed to be stars for the whole world.” -Nancy Binder