Gulf Pine Catholic
2 Gulf Pine Catholic • July 5, 2024 DIOCESAN EVENT ► Nativity B.V.M. Cathedral, Biloxi, Sept. 15, Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass ~ The Wedding Anniversary Mass will be celebrated Sun., Sept. 15, at 2 p.m. at Nativity B.V.M. Cathedral in Biloxi. Couples celebrating 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, & over 60, will be recog- nized. The registration forms may be mailed to: Deacon Karl Koberger, Diocese of Biloxi, 1790 Popps Ferry Rd., Biloxi, MS 39532; emailed to: ; or you can register at . Deadline for registration is Aug. 29. For more info, contact Deacon Karl Koberger at (228) 702-2136. PARISH EVENTS ► W.J. Kelly Retreat Center, Bay St. Louis, July 26-28, Road to Emmaus Retreat ~ Men, put aside the “hustle & bustle” of daily life & attend the men’s Emmaus retreat the weekend of July 26-28. The retreat is held on the Gulf Coast at W. J. Kelly Retreat Center in Bay Saint Louis. The retreat is based on Luke’s scrip- ture passage “The appearance on the road to Emmaus,” and is an uplifting experience that has a profound effect on men’s lives. The retreat begins at 5:30 p.m. Fri. & ends Sun. afternoon. ► St. Stanislaus College, Bay St. Louis, July 15-18, Football Camp ~ ST. Stanislaus will be hosting a foot- ball camp for boys & girls aged 8 to 14. The camp will focus on teaching basic offensive & defensive skills. It will be held fromMon., July 15-Thurs., July 18, from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. The camp will be conducted by varsity football coach Tate Thigpen and his staff. To register and more information: ststan. com/football-camp-july-2024/ SCHOOL EVENTS VOLUNTEERS ► Bethel Free Health Clinic, Biloxi ~ Bethel Free Health Clinic continues to have a need for volunteer RNs, LPNs, Nurse Practitioners, & Phy- sicians. Our clinic hours are 8-11:30 a.m. on Tues. & Thurs. Those interest- ed may call (228) 594-3640, email or stop by for a visit at 1650 Carrol Drive, Biloxi. EVENTS ► “Curing the Coast” - Benefit Concert for Bethel Free Health Clinic, July 13 ~ Bethel Free Health Clinic will be hosting the benefit con- cert “Curing the Coast,” Sat., July 13, 7 p.m., at First United Methodist Church of Gulfport. Tickets are $20& are available at the door or at bethel- . The evening promises an eclectic mix of musical genres including blues, folk, jazz, and gospel. There will be an all-star line-up of local performers who are donating their time & talents for the concert. For more information and/or to purchase tickets, call (228) 617-0785 or (228) 594-3640. ► St. Mary Parish, Biloxi (Woolmarket), July 6, First Satur- dayDevotion&PatrioticCelebration ~ All are invited to attend our First Saturday Devotion & Patriotic Cele- bration at St. Mary in Woolmarket on July 6. We will invoke the interces- sion of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patroness of the United States of America, to pray for our country. As requested by Our Lady of Fatima, we will also make reparation for grievous offenses committed against the Imma- culate Heart of Mary. This time, our First Saturday Devotion will begin at 9 a.m., a half hour earlier than usual. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be from 9-11 a.m. Confessions will be heard from 9-10 a.m. only. We will then pray the Patriotic Rosary from 10-11 a.m., with the singing of patriotic songs at the end of each decade. Holy Mass will be at 11 a.m., followed by a Marian Procession where we will carry the American flag, the Papal flag, a statue of Mary, and banners from various organizations at St. Mary to honor the Mother of God. The Procession will be from the Church to Murray Hall where we will then enjoy a potluck lunch & refresh- ments. All are welcome to attend this Devotion! For more info, please con- tact Sharon Poulette at (443) 699-8281 or email . God Bless America! ► Our Mother of Mercy Parish, Pass Christian, July 19, Healing Mass ~ Our Mother of Mercy will host a Healing Mass on Fri., July 19, 5 p.m. The church is located at 216 Saucier Ave. Pass Christian. ► Blessed Francis Seelos Mercy House, Biloxi, July 27-28, Women’s Arise #73 ~ The Cursillo Movement of South MS invites you to attend the next Women’s Arise! Applications are available on . Arise is designed for groups of people who would like to receive additional information about the Catholic faith in a short period of time (one weekend): *Non-Catholic spouses of practic- ing Catholics RETREATS TRIPS ► Sept. 9-17, Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Poland ~ Join Fr. Michael Marascalco & Catholic Journeys on a 9-day Divine Mercy Pilgrimage to Poland from Sept. 9-17 that features the shrines & sights of the authors of Divine Mercy, St. Faustina, & Pope St. John Paul II. The total cost of the pilgrimage is $4,399 which includes airfare & 5-star accommoda- tions. For more info go to www. c a t h o l i c j o u r n e y s . c o m / t o u r / divine-mercy-pilgrimage-to-poland/ and reserve your spot. ► Oct. 13-24, Pilgrimage to Poland with Father. Tomasz ~ Join Father Tomasz Powroznik Oct. 13-24 to a Pilgrimage to Poland. You will visit Częstochowa, Zakopane, Krakow, Auschwitz, Ksiqż Castle, Wadowice, & Warsaw. It promises to be a journey of great graces, camaraderie & memo- ries! Father Tomasz has a special sur- prise with real Highland food and music. Contact for reservation: fr.tomasz- or +1312- 478-7284 (also available onWhatsApp & Face Time, especially during July until August 8). *Catholics who have been away from the church for a while or those needing a spiritual boost *Those without a current church/ religion who are “searching” for a new one or a more meaningful faith experi- ence *Or those taking instruction in the Catholic faith, Arise is for you! Spacing is limited, so please register early. For more information contact: Gay Camagong (228) 424-7722. ► St. Joseph Parish, Gulfport, Aug. 3, Drawdown ~ St. Joseph Parish announces its 2024 Annual Drawdown & Silent Auction on Sat., Aug. 3, 5 p.m. An evening of dinner, drinks & Silent Auction. A $50 ticket admits one adult over the age of 21. A $100 ticket admits two adults. Add $20 insurance to a $100 ticket for a second chance at winning the grand prize of $10,000. ► Annunciation Parish, Kiln, Aug. 4, $ 800 Give Away Drawdown ~ The Annunciation Parish is having “$800 Give Away Drawdown,” $ 800 given away each month for 12 mo. The first ticket drawn will receive $500. There will be three more tickets drawn for $100 each. All the winners are eligible to win again as the tickets go back to the barrel for the next month draw- down for 12 chances of winning. The four drawings will be on the first Sun. of every month beginning Aug. 4. Tickets are $ 50. For the tickets, please contact Annunciation Church parish office, (228) 255-1800 Mon - Fri. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Please don’t ignore this opportunity but pray on it instead. Something spe- cial awaits you on the Road to Emmaus. Registration is $200 & includes all meals. Please contact the following men for additional info: Colin Taulli (504) 494-4511, Norm Madere (504) 481- 0411 or Steve Schulkens (504) 401- 6990 or go to emmaus-registration. To advertise in the Gulf Pine Catholic, call 228-702-2109 for more information. Diocese of Biloxi Bulletin Board
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