Gulf Pine Catholic

24 Gulf Pine Catholic • October 16, 2020 Pope Francis’ teaching in new encyclical called ‘profound and beautiful’ BY CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON (CNS) -- In his new encyc- lical, “Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship,” Pope Francis reminds the faithful that “God’s plan for humanity has implications for every aspect of our lives,” said the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. These aspects range “from how we treat one another in our personal relationships, to how we organize and operate our societies and econo- mies,” said Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles in a statement Oct. 4, the day the encyclical was released by the Vatican. He called the pope’s teaching “profound and beautiful,” and said that “like ‘Laudato Si’ before it, ‘Fratelli Tutti’ is an important contri- bution to the church’s rich tradition of social doctrine.” “In analyzing conditions in the world today, the Holy Father provides us with a powerful and urgent vision for the moral renewal of poli- tics and political and economic institutions from the local level to the global level, calling us to build a common future that truly serves the good of the human person,” Archbishop Gomez said. “For the church, the pope is challenging us to overcome the individualism in our culture and to serve our neighbors in love,” he said, “seeing Jesus Christ in every person, and seek- ing a society of justice and mercy, compassion and mutual concern.” The archbishop prayed Catholics and all people of goodwill “will reflect on our Holy Father’s words here and enter into a new com- mitment to seek the unity of the human family.” Chicago Cardinal Blase J. Cupich said “Fratelli Tutti” is “destined to be a defining document and body of teaching for the pontifi- cate of Pope Francis.” He called it a powerful docu- ment in which the pope “again reminds us why he is considered a preeminent moral teacher -- and in an extraordinarily critical and fraught moment in human history.” “The pope begins by identifying the challenges that result from the fragmentation and division afflicting humanity on personal, national and international lev- els,” the cardinal said. “These include violence and the prospect of war and civil unrest, racism, the degradation of the environment, the ‘discarding’ of the poor and vulnerable, the crises prompted by the migra- tion of desperate peoples, economies that benefit privileged groups,” Cardinal Cupich said, “and a stridency and coarseness that mark our public discourse and private com- munications and disable possibilities for real human connection.” He noted that Pope Francis also offers “a penetrating reflection” on the parable of the good Samaritan, “which engages every one of us and the global community in a self-examina- tion of conscience: ‘Each day we have to decide whether to be good Samaritans or indifferent bystanders.’” The pontiff “occupies the remainder of the encyclical by reimagining a new and hopeful way of living together, one that is ultimately rooted in love and respect for the dignity of all people,” Cardinal Cupich said. “This new and hopeful vision involves an openness to and interest in those who are differ- ent, leading to the enrichment that comes in the exchange of gifts ... , a better kind of politics ... , and a culture of dialogue and friendship,” the cardinal added. “The vision he describes is in sharp contrast to a prevalent way of doing political business: revenge for past losses, the use of force, and a view of economic profit as paramount,” the cardinal said. Washington Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory said he believes the pope’s new encyclical “has come to us at precisely the right time.” “COVID-19 obviously has not yet ended. Many have spoken about ‘a new normal’ when the virus will have abated,” he said in a state- ment. “Rather I think that we should make this tragic pandemic an opportunity to think about ‘a new different’ in terms of what we value, who we value and that we are all in this togeth- er. “Pope Francis repeatedly speaks to the renewal of ‘common good’ language and ‘com- mon good’ actions,” Archbishop Gregory said. The pope provokes us to pursue a shared life and to seeing ‘the other’ as brother and sister, both as human beings and all as fellow creatures in ‘our com- mon home,’” he added. “He invites us to build a ‘cul- ture of encounter’ with pride in expressing how we are Catholics and also how we are enriched by dialogue with all people of goodwill.” Editor’s Note: Printed copies of the encyclical “Fratelli Tutti” in English can be ordered from: store. Printed copies in Spanish can be ordered from: tutti-spanish-p/7-926.htm. The front page of L’Osservatore Romano , the Vatican newspaper, pictures Pope Francis with his latest encyclical, “Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship,” at the Vatican Oct. 4. CNS photo/ Remo Casilli, Reuters To advertise in the Gulf Pine Catholic , call 228-702-2109 for more information, or email . The newspaper is mailed to over 15,000 Catholic homes every other week.