CREJ - page 35

October 21-November 3, 2015 —
— Page 35
ASAC 3rd Annual
Health & Safety Summit
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Track #1 – Compliance,
Dirtiest Word in Construction
8:00-9:30 am Accident Investigation
We need to know why it happened & how it
happened. Learn the most effective tools to use
& methods to investigate workplace accidents
so they never happen again.
9:45-11:00 am OSHA Record Keeping &
Temporary Worker Requirements
for reporting
have changed significantly. Learn about
recent changes & what you need to be doing
differently to ensure compliance.
11:00-11:45 am Lunch/Better Business
Solutions Trade Show
12:00-1:30 pm Confined Space Requirements
Rule Changes: Big changes
There has been a
fundamental shift in the way confined spaces
are identified and their hazards mitigated.
Learn the protocol necessary to ensure you are
meeting the new requirements.
1:45-3:00 pm Jobsite Hazard Analysis/JHA
Attendees will participate on a mock jobsite,
conditions will be scrutinized & analyzed by the
attendees, learn how to see the job with fresh eyes.
Track #2 ~ Risk Management
& Business Health
8:00-10:00 am Work Comp Case/Pain:
Psychological Management
We all know that
work comp cases cost money. But what about
the psychological impact on the employee &
the employer during a significant injury &
10:00-11:45 am Conditional Job Offer, Testing,
Pre Hire Screening
How do I make sure
I’m doing all I can during the hiring process
to minimize my risk? Who are these people
walking through my front door? How do I
make sure they are a good fit? How do I sell my
company to qualified employees?
11:45 am-12:45 pm Lunch/Better Business
Solutions Trade Show
1:00-3:00 pm Attracting & Retaining Good
Who are we? How do we
communicate who we are to prospective and
existing employees? How do I parlay our
good culture as a sales tool? How do I reward
employees for doing a good job? How do I keep
great employees inside my doors when there
are so many other opportunities out there? All
of these questions and more will be answered
during this feature presentation.
Track #3 ~ Surrounded by Hazards,
A True Story
8:00 am- 9:45 am Hazard Communication &
Silica Exposure
OSHA has an emphasis on
regulations for silica & HAZCOM. And for
good reason, the standards are changing &
we all need to be aware of why. Come hear
about the true costs of neglecting these very
important safety standards from our team of
proven compliance experts.
10:00 am -12:00 pm Fall Protection/Planning
It’s a fact. Falls kill. Learn about the importance
of fall rescue planning and PFAS training of
your employees from industry experts.
12:00-12:45 pm Lunch/Better Business
Solutions Trade Show
1:00 -3:00 pm Struck By/Caught In:
accidents? No way. Come hear about, listen to &
witness the harmful consequences of complacency
& how to train your employees to combat it.
by busybusy Team
onstruction busi-
ness owners are
some of the busiest
people we know.
Often we have customers
that wear many hats in their
business from accounting to
working out in the field. In
this article we discuss some
of the top productivity tips
construction professionals
can use to increase their
efficiency and hopefully get
more done.
Remove Distractions
People often like to brag
about how well they can
multitask, while research
shows that humans really
can’t multitask, instead we
switch from task to task
very quickly. There is a lot of
benefit to focusing on what
you’re working on and com-
pletely ignoring all other dis-
tractions. If you’re working
at a computer or on other
paperwork, consider trying
the Pomodoro technique,
this technique involves
working on 1 task for 25
minutes and then taking a
5-minute break. During the
25 minutes, you give the
task your full attention and
effort and allow no distrac-
Batch your Tasks
Start batching repetitive
tasks in order to get more
done in less time. Batching
allows you to focus on the
same kind of tasks and not
think about anything else.
Everyday tasks that con-
struction professionals could
batch include:
1. Check your Emails
2. Managing Online
Reputation and Presence
3. Client Follow-up and
accountability phone calls
4. Sending Invoices
5. Accounting Work
When you batch your
tasks, it allows you to get
into the “mindset” of what-
ever you’re working on. Our
brain get’s faster as we start
repeating the same task over
and over again.
Track Where you
Spend your Time
One of the best features of
the busybusy app is the abil-
ity to track your own time.
Tracking where you spent
your time will allow you
to identify where you are
spending the most time and
if your time should could be
managed differently.
Along with tracking where
you spend all of your “work”
or business time, consider
what you’re doing in your
personal time. Tracking your
own time may bring insight
into your life that could
improve your business. Even
if you don’t track your time
every day, consider doing it
for a short period. The data
you will gather from using a
time tracking software will
be invaluable in establishing
healthier working habits.
Eliminate Decision Fatigue
Our willpower is a finite
resource that can burn out.
Most people make hundreds
of decisions every day:
• What’s for breakfast?
• What should I wear to
work today?
• Which route should I
take to work today?
• Which brand of paint
should I buy for my current
All of these decisions take
a toll on your brain and your
willpower. Have you ever
got home from a long day
at work, and all you wanted
to do was sit on your couch,
watch tv, and not think
about anything? You have
probably experienced deci-
sion fatigue. The good news
is you can implement some
simple strategies to reduce
this from happening to you.
What do Steve Jobs, Mark
Zuckerburg, Barack Obama
and several other world
famous business leaders
have in common? They all
wear the same thing every
day. Wearing the same thing
every day can reduce the
amount of decisions you
have to make every day and,
therefore, increase your pro-
ductivity. If you run a con-
struction company, consider
adopting a uniform, even if
it’s as simple as a shirt with
your logo on it. If you’re not
ready to commit to wearing
the same thing every day,
you can always pick out your
outfit the night before.
Other things you can do to
eliminate unnecessary deci-
sions includes:
1. Make a meal plan:
Instead of using your time
and resource to decide on
what you want to eat, take
an hour and plan your meals
for the rest of the week. You
can alternatively eat the
same thing every day for
lunch and breakfast and add
some variety at dinner time.
2. Set an Exercise
Schedule: Exercise has lots
of benefits, but instead of
coming home every day and
deciding to work out…or
not, make a set schedule of
when you’re going to work
out every week.
3. Allow other people to
make decisions for you.
Identify the business deci-
sions that can be made by
other people and let them
make the routine decisions.
With decision fatigue most-
ly taking its toll on people in
the evening, it’s important
to make sure you get your
most important tasks done
in the morning.
Plan Breaks
Taking breaks can not only
help you be more productive
but it will prevent burnout
over the long run. If you
have a big day ahead of you,
do yourself a favor and plan
scheduled breaks. Research
suggests that a small break
now and then will help you
get more done rather than
less. If you work at a com-
puter, all day then get out-
side for a little bit. Take a
walk around the office or in
the parking lot if possible.
If you’re working on the job
site, take a “planned” break
every once in a while. This
small break can allow your
brain to reset and when you
return to work you’ll feel
refreshed and more ener-
gized to finish out the work
day strong.
A few minor modifica-
tions in our daily routine
can deliver big dividends.
Being more efficient,
increases your productivity
and enriches your quality
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