CREJ - page 89

September 16-October 6, 2015 —
— Page 17B
positive sense of well-
being is a key com-
ponent of a healthy,
productive employee.
In support of total worker
health, commercial buildings
are adding fitness centers to
their existing amenities. A
fitness facility is an outward
statement of a building owner’s
commitment to its tenants. It
offers an activity-based space
that promotes engagement
and a sense of community.
It increases worker perfor-
mance through stress relief
and improved concentration.
In fact, companies have found
that in addition to being a hir-
ing point, exercise areas reduce
employee absenteeism and
strengthen retention rates.
In addition to providing
several unique advantages for
health promotion, worksite fit-
ness centers are convenient,
can be used as a vital tool with
wellness programs (which may
also lower healthcare costs),
and can be an asset that sets
your building apart from oth-
Convenience of On-Site
Fitness Centers
Healthy tenants are happy
tenants. An on-site fitness
facility greatly improves the
likelihood of employees exercis-
ing. Regular exercise promotes
the release of mood-elevating
endorphins. Exercise also
helps you sleep better, giving
you more energy throughout
the day. This in turn creates a
positive and
Studies have
shown that
roughly more
than half of
the employ-
ees will use
a company
fitness cen-
ter one or
more times
a month.
Without a
facility on site, only about 20
percent will use a health club
on their own accord.
Convenient access to a gym
means tenants don’t have to
drive to a distant site to work
out. Tenants will appreciate
the ability to use their free
time productively. Being able
to exercise during a lunch
break, for example, helps time-
strapped employees fit every-
thing into their busy schedules.
Also, the prospect of saving
money on a gym membership
acts as a financial incentive.
Wellness Programs
Successful companies under-
stand the correlation between
healthy employees and produc-
tivity. Fitness and wellness are
now critical issues in corpora-
tions everywhere. Wellness
plans are beginning to include
fitness incentives in benefits
packages. Often these wellness
programs require employees
to track their gym usage for
points. Once the employees
accumulate a specific num-
ber of points, they are able
to receive a discount on their
healthcare cost. Corporate fit-
ness centers easily answer the
need for a convenient workout
Building Asset
So what does this fitness
center look like? How do we
build a space that tenants will
utilize? We first start with nat-
ural lighting. It is well known
that natural lighting has a pos-
itive effect on the human body.
Natural lighting also improves
performance. Sunlight has a
direct affect on the levels of
serotonin and the hormone
melatonin in the body, result-
ing in feelings of calmness,
alertness and reduces tenden-
cies for depression. Also, people
are more drawn to facilities
with natural light so it’s impor-
tant to locate the facility along
the perimeter of the building
with windows.
In addition, you need to acti-
vate the space. Variety is criti-
cal in whether or not people
will utilize the space. Consider
offering group exercise classes.
It not only ties in the social
aspect of exercise, but it also
encourages activity at specific
times of the day. You also don’t
have to purchase the most cur-
rent state-of-the-art equipment.
There are many fitness sources
that offer quality equipment on
a leasing plan. This allows the
landlord to rotate in new equip-
ment as well as have a main-
tenance plan in place. Building
owners often opt to buy the
equipment outright because it
is less expensive, but when the
equipment breaks it sits for
a long period of time with no
People are increasingly
becoming more and more
health conscious; corpora-
tions are too. So much so that
they’ve partnered with well-
ness programs not only to save
money, but also to ensure posi-
tive results. Having an on-site
fitness center is a convenient
time saver for the busy execu-
tive and an amenity that lets
your building stand tall above
the rest.
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