INSIDE O ver the past decade, the changing landscape of vas- cular and cardiac procedures has driven the rise of hybrid operating suites – from teach- ing hospitals to community hospi- tals – so much so that ECRI Institute estimates 75 percent of cardiovascular surgeons will soon be working in a hybrid room. But as they move from cutting-edge to crucial, hospitals are getting more strategic about needs, functionality and how they will recoup the investment. • Hybrid solution realities . While blending advanced imaging and a car- diovascular surgi- cal environment is attractive, it’s not right for every hos- pital. “You must have a clear vision and a solid business case for what you need,” said Ken- yon Anderson, associate and medical planner inTreanorHL’s Health design studio. Designed to handle high-risk, mini- mally invasive cardiovascular proce- dures and open surgery, these are specialty spaces.Without careful anal- ysis, they may fail to reach projected utilization, which can reduce or even eliminate a return.When exploring the hybrid model, take into consider- ation the following: • They’re often the most expensive room in the hospital, ranging between $7 million and $10 million. • They can take up the space of two operating rooms, spanning more than 1,000 square feet, plus adjacent equip- ment and control rooms. • Their complexity and technology involve significant planning and con- struction downtime. • An evolution in working environ- Experts recently gathered in Colorado to discuss emerging trends in health care Sprouting PAGE 10 The use and importance of art in health care spaces goes beyond just a pretty picture A look at the development, openings and sales shaping the senior housing market Artistry Senior housing PAGE 12 PAGE 17 The next generation of hybrid ORs Please see Page 3 July 2018 Steve Carr, AIA Principal, TreanorHL The hybrid operating room at North Kansas City Hospital
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