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January 2018 — Health Care Properties Quarterly —

Page 21

Senior Housing & Care


nyone care to hazard a

guess about how much

time Americans, on aver-

age, spend indoors? Most

will respond between 60

and 80 percent, however, the actual

number is closer to 90 percent. As

we age, this percentage inevitably

increases. Approximately, 10,000

Americans turn 65 every day and

by the year 2030, one in five Ameri-

cans will be 65 or older. Needless

to say, we are a population that

is increasingly spending its time

indoors, regardless of evidence-

based research supporting the

numerous benefits of the contrary.

These sobering trends have com-

manded the attention of those who

manage, design and invest in senior

living communities. Therefore it is

no surprise that a large majority of

award-winning senior living design

projects are those that encourage

greater outdoor engagement. What

follows is a discussion of the ben-

efits and methods for reversing this

trend and increasing the health and

wellness of our senior population.

• Benefits.

The health benefits of

connection and exposure to the

elements is as old as the practice

of medicine. Hundreds of years

ago, medieval hospitals combined

treatment, prayer and access to the

elements for recovering patients.

Today, a wide variety of research

institutions are conducting con-

trolled studies to illustrate specific

benefits. PMC Canada published

a study in 2012 to illustrate the

benefits of sunlight for recovery,

sleep quality and decreased hos-

pitalization for bipolar depression.

Numerous studies have shown that

sunlight increases

Vitamin D, which

fights inflamma-

tion, improves

the immune sys-

tem, increases

bone health and

decreases depres-

sion – all of which

are common in


In 2005, the Uni-

versity of Pitts-

burgh conducted

a study of spinal

surgery recovery

times with relation to the outward

views of recovery rooms. Patients

with natural, scenic views recov-

ered more rapidly and required

less medication than those with

views to an alley or brick wall. This

illustrates a particularly important

concept for seniors – even the views

themselves have benefits. Further

studies of outdoor activities by the

University of Michigan in 2014 dem-

onstrated that outdoor nature walks

improved depression and stress lev-

els, both of which are all too com-

mon for seniors.

Aside from local studies, the field

has interested researchers in medi-

cal communities and institutions

all over the globe. A 2014 study

by the Nippon Medical School in

Japan demonstrated increased

white blood cells in subjects after

six hours of exposure to a wooded

environment. Regardless of age,

location or circumstance, the ben-

efits of outdoor engagement remain

a growing interest for research

publications and medical journals

throughout the industry; especially

with regard to senior care.

• Methods.

It’s no surprise that

outdoor amenity spaces in senior

living communities must be safe to

enter, occupy and travel through,

however, the appearance of safety

also plays a key role in the success

of encouraging outdoor engage-

ment. Architectural and techno-

logically based security features

incorporated to improve surveil-

lance, lighting, visibility, privacy and

protection from intruders are all

necessary features, but if the ten-

ants don’t perceive the area as safe,

the engagement diminishes. Privacy

fencing, walls and other methods

to visually enclose outdoor space

in aesthetically pleasing ways are

fundamental in getting seniors out-


Walking surfaces must be

designed to reduce fall risks, and

handrails must be available in cases

where acuity levels require them.

Ideally, indoor public spaces such as

living, dining or activity rooms are

located immediately adjacent, or

open directly, to the outdoor space

with direct visibility throughout the

day. Keeping outdoor spaces visible

from communal indoor spaces not

only reinforces the sense of safety

but also fosters familiarity and

encourages engagement.

Transitions from indoor environ-

ments to outdoor environments

also must be carefully considered.

Spaces immediately adjacent to

the exterior should provide ample

glazing to help equalize light level

differences between natural sun-

light and indoor lighting. Doorways

should include roofs and overhangs

designed to provide shade and

weather protection. In warmer cli-

mates, seniors simply will not leave

cooler, indoor climates for hot, exte-

rior climates unless shade struc-

tures are directly visible and easily

accessible. The same rule applies

for heating elements and sunny

areas in cooler climates.

In addition to climate and transi-

tion considerations, outdoor spaces

designed with specific functions

can drastically improve outdoor

engagement. Walking paths in

senior living communities are ubiq-

uitous and provide numerous ben-

efits to physical, mental and spiri-

tual health – only reinforcing why

walking remains the most common

exercise among seniors. Looping

Benefits, methods to foster outdoor engagement

Colorado’s Leader in Senior Living Quality and Innovation

Recognized expertise in memory care, rehabilitation services,

and tailored approaches to hospitality, optimal health and

wellness, and select high quality housing options.

12136 W. Bayaud Ave. #200 Lakewood, CO 80228 303.238.3838


Full Management Services • Consulting Partner • New

Development & Design Collaboration • Market Positioning

We create models that reflect exciting

lifestyle choices for today’s seniors.

Charlie Schmidt

Director of

design, Lantz-

Boggio Architects,


Please see Schmidt, Page 23

We are a population that is increasingly

spending its time indoors, regardless of

evidence-based research supporting the

numerous benefits of the contrary.