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A Call to the Wild: Policies, Protocol and Politeness for the Unassigned Workplace in Today’s Offices


ork styles have



so has the work-

force. No longer does the

workplace population com-

prise just resident employees

who are on-site full-time. The

continued incline of the contingent

workforce is a catalyst for a more flu-

id, diversely occupied workplace en-

vironment. Today, a network of mobile

employees, remote workers, part-time

employees, contract workers and consul-

tants work collaboratively across disciplines

in teams and tasks that shift as frequently as

their projects.

Replacing traditional space ownership with

a community of shared spaces meets the needs

of today’s workers, fluid work styles and collab-

orative group-based work. Whether you are con-

sidering a move to hoteling (a reservation-based

system), free address (first come, first served) or

a combination, unassigned seating can create an

adaptable workplace that yields numerous bene-

fits to your organization and its employees. Shared

workspaces can help optimize space utilization,

potentially reducing real estate expenses. Addition-

ally, the varied spaces within an unassigned envi-

ronment empower individuals to choose the work-

space they want at the time and place they prefer.

Adjusting to the new norms of working in a

shared space will no doubt take some time. Man-

agement can provide direction by giving employ-

ees the tools and training needed to thrive in the

new setting. Part of the training should include de-

veloping and introducing appropriate guidelines

to the workforce. Clearly articulating expectations

and etiquette will help streamline your organiza-

tion’s adjustment to its new environment, avoid

misunderstandings, minimize downtime and re-

duce stress levels. This article provides advice on

the process for developing workplace protocols for

an unassigned workspace setting and presents an

example of guidelines for a hypothetical company

that addresses some typical hot-button issues.

Following is a simple process for developing

workplace protocols.

Before the Move

Enlist support from the top. Top-level leadership

and support is vital to a successful shift. Engage

leaders early and encourage them to be active and

visible through the change process.

• Explain the business case and design detail.

• Reassure employees that they have access to

ample spaces to work, socialize and store their be-


• Facilitate the transition to an unassigned space.

• Consult with Human Resources and Labor Rela-

tions to assure compliance.

• Verify that the appropriate infrastructure is in

place and operational, including the following con-




All elements of technology, including

hardware, power and connectivity, must be fluid,

operational and reliable.


Scheduling Tools

. Simplify the transition from

workspaces as much as possible. Select an effec-

tive scheduling tool that monitors reservations and

space usage. Train employees on reservation poli-

cies, protocol and technology.



Just like shared equipment at the

gym, your workplace standards should combine an-

timicrobial cleaning with a hygiene program.


Personal storage and amenities.

Now that workers

are transient – workers may need access to items

they might have previously stored in their assigned



Schedule training.

Develop and deliver modules

on how to use new spaces and technologies.

During the Move

Deliver guidelines.

Use the release of guidelines

as an opportunity to reiterate your message and

mission. Additionally, direct managers should re-

inforce policies in staff meetings and other team


Celebrate the move with positive experiences.


inforce a community message to ease apprehen-

sion. Host events and document the companywide

transition using community boards and similar


Distribute an employee guidebook.

In addition to

the sample guidelines presented, develop a print-

Moving Forward

Jenny West,


Business De-




Unassigned seating can create an adaptable

workplace that yields numerous benefits to your

organization and its employees.