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Denver’s Zoning: Are We More Divided than Ever?


sat on the Denver Planning Board in the

1990s and watched the beginning of today’s

debates about growth. When we developed

Blueprint Denver, the ideas about stability and

change emerged through community dialogue.

While good in concept, this idea has not worked

very well. Just because a neighborhood is “sta-

ble” does not mean it should never change, and

just because an area might “change” should not

mean anything goes. Our new zoning code has not

calmed the dialogue; instead, the discourse is more

divided than ever.

Should higher densities be allowed? That should

depend on the balanced judgment of people, in-

cluding the neighbors, considering the many con-

sequences of new development. But that does not

mean that the immediate neighbors should hold

veto power, nor does it mean that land use deci-

sions should go to a public vote, a demand that is

frequently made in cities that are even more divided

than ours.

One of the biggest limits to considered debate is

our newest tactical fad, fake news. Proponents and

opponents both label and assert things that elevate

the dialogue from semirational to mostly emotion-

al. Once that line is crossed, those who have turned

emotional rarely return to reason – no matter how

false the claims may be, their feelings are very real.

We can’t let alternative facts enter the decisions that

affect our quality of life and the safety and livability

of our neighborhoods. We are all in this together so

we need to find better ways of working together to

protect what we value.

As a native Chicagoan who grew up in the ’50s with

highly divided racial and ethnic neighborhoods,

I have always marveled at the diversity we find in

Denver neighborhoods. If you study any neighbor-

hood that you value in this city, you will see a crazy

quilt of house sizes, architecture, building age and

densities. You will find many quaint anomalies that

add character – streets that don’t quite line up, an

old corner store surrounded by houses, a little park,

mansions sitting right next to bungalows, duplexes

and old apartments amidst some of our highest val-

ue areas, and more.

Few Denver neighborhoods have the boring mo-

notony of most suburban areas. It is this diversity of

home sizes, unit types and architecture that makes

us resistant to rapid swings in value or other in-

stability. Our diversity means that homes sell and

apartments rent in random, never-ending cycles.

This keeps change from swinging too rapidly – until

this condition (and theory) was overwhelmed by our

most recent growth surge. Now, we see whole neigh-

borhoods under pressure to accept bigger and bigger

buildings. It is not hard to find David scowling at Go-

liath right across a local street.

As an urban designer for 40 years I have been on

both sides of the argument, sometimes advocating

for change and sometimes for preservation. Where

we have brownfields or deep blight, I still think

change is right, but only if design is exceptional and

respects the context. More and more, however, I fall

on the side of slowing our growth because the pace

of change is too great.

I once believed that growth was needed to keep

housing prices down. I was wrong. We have seen the

most rapid expansion of rental housing in history –

which has come with the most rapid rental increas-

es in history. Supply and demand are not as tightly

related as expected. We are facing unprecedented

in-migration, but we are also allowing it by claim-

ing that we must build to fill a need. A neighbor-

hood that was mostly bungalows and duplexes has

not become more affordable or better because it now

is fringed with five-story wrapped parking garages

or new towers. I live in one of these locations, and I

have yet to see any benefits other than rising prop-

erty values. I don’t mind looking for parking. I don’t

mind having more people around. I don’t even mind

more traffic (I bike to work). What I do mind is that

my neighborhood feels less cohesive, has fewer trees,

fewer porches, fewer kids and less sunlight.

We should improve our debates by thinking about

growth as something more complex than just big

buildings and traffic. I like to think about it in at

least these five categories:


Most new projects won’t get high marks for

design. The same buildings are happening in every

neighborhood and every city. Designers are not fight-

ing back enough on their clients. Why does so much

growth look alike? Developers believe that designs

that have been approved elsewhere can be approved

here. Most of the time, this means taking a large

building and fragmenting it with shapes and mate-

rials to make it look like it is made of smaller parts.

The result isn’t good design, rather it is mannerism

pandering to some general notion of public opinion.

If a building is going to be large, give me one that is

skillfully proportioned, fenestrated and articulated,

and crafted with materials and details that make it



Most new projects are out of scale with their

context. This is usually a result of development eco-

nomics and inappropriate zoning. When these two

things come together, we get a developer who be-

lieves he has rights facing a community that is fight-

ing for its rights. This is too late in the process. Both

the community and the developer are victims. What

we need is to reconsider the role of neighborhood

planning. Let’s have them argue with each other

before the developers come along, and let’s create

neighborhood plans with both vision and teeth.


This generally means traffic and park-

ing, but in fact congestion takes many forms. This is

an area where current thinking in urban planning

is growing rapidly. It is now clear that conventional

transportation planning is wrong. Congestion isn’t a

failure to move cars; it is a failure to give mobility to

people. Denver’s transportation staff includes some

Mark Johnson,




Colorado Pulse