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hose of us who commute to a primary

workplace know that it is the single place

where you spend the most waking hours

each week. With more than 80 percent of

employed Americans still working in a workplace

(vs. working from home), creating spaces that en-

courage collaboration, creativity, innovation and pro-

ductivity remains vital for companies.

On top of that, the workforce is changing. Millen-

nials now comprise the majority of working profes-

sionals, and it’s well known that their expectations are

different from past generations. There is a hyper focus

on work/life balance, meaningful connection and flex-

ibility. At the same time, businesses still need to ensure

their workplaces support productivity and, of course, the bottom line.

Filling a Growing Need

Colorado ranked 11th for employment growth as of the middle of this

year, and we've had a significant 2.7 percent increase in the number of

jobs created (putting us near the top in the nation). As more people are

entering our workforce, companies are looking for ways to differentiate

themselves in order to attract and retain top talent.

As Denver quickly becomes a hub for large and small organizations

alike, Elements, which provides comprehensive furnishings and archi-

tectural solutions for work environments of all types, is finding unique

ways to help customers achieve their larger business goals.

Creating this ideal workplace – one that meets the demands of to-

day’s workforce while remaining flexible enough to expand or contract

with the business – can be challenging, and not just from a budget


Creating an Experience-Driven Space

As workplace needs are changing, so is the design of the workplace.

The workplace has moved away from just being a backdrop for pro-

cessing work. Today’s workplace design has become significantly more

experience-driven. It has to accommodate for a variety of experiences:

Game Changer: New Showroom Offers Integrated Furnishings Approach




and Owner,
