CREJ - page 76

Wingert, “so nearly a full decade of contemplation and hard
work to deliver a market-ready product that meets our expec-
tations for integrated development.”
Wingert is quick to point out that success in his business is
also a product of the company he keeps. As such, W.W. Reyn-
olds is particular in its selection of project partners. For the
Wencel Building, Wingert chose Studio Architecture of Boul-
der, and long-time construction collaborators Wyatt Con-
struction. Working toward an integrated CM/GC delivery, the
three parties began concept investigations from the city of
Boulder’s entitlement process, which formally considered the
development parcel to be a half-block of contiguous space.
Bound by a historic 1890s era building most locally would
think of as simply Old West Brick (Renaissance Revival), and
the Colorado Building, the site offered an L-shaped wedge of
developable space that also happened to have a historic car-
riage house along the back alley stealing a corner of buildable
“The site’s unique configuration sandwiched between a
historic property with thriving retail and Boulder’s tallest
building initially led to some fairly typical thinking,” com-
ments Jeff Dawson, a principal with Studio Architecture. The
/ Boulder By Nature /
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