CREJ - page 93

for Energy Design
Assis tance .
Case in point.
A nearly 1 million-
square-foot multi-tenant
office building used
Xcel Energy’s EDA program
to reach their high energy
savings goals and
certification status.
The revolutionary
engineering design and
technology systems cut
operating expenses and
created bottom-line
efficiencies not found
in other buildings.
The results:
Energy use reduction
Reduction in electric
lighting needs
More fresh air circulation
than required by code
Reduced water use
compared to traditional
Denver office buildings
© 2015 Xcel Energy Inc.
Energy-efficient new buildings and renovation projects start at the earliest
stages, and Xcel Energy can help. Our Energy Design Assistance program
works to ensure maximum energy efficiency and long-term savings from
the start. It’s a comprehensive approach to energy and cost savings.
Contact an energy efficiency specialist at 855-839-8862 or visit
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