AZ India

F E E L A T H O M E PAGE - 24 May 2019 1-844-AZINDIA ȁǿȀȅ ȁǿȀȆ ȁǿȀȇ Engineered Poverty By Pradeep Kumar Poverty is defined as the inability to cater oneself for their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. Now is that even a natural phenomenon? Money can get your basics of livelihood and anything available in this world. Therefore money can get you out of poverty and in excess, can shoot you beyond the stars in terms of luxury. Now money is a man made concept and is adopted throughout the world for transacting goods and services. And in today's civilized world, only with this money can you provide anything from necessities to luxuries for yourself and your family. Now, answering my question I put forth earlier, the concept of pov- erty among people is as unnatural and man-made as the concept of this money system. Let me analyze the idea. There was a time in human history when there was no money. People roamed the vast lands, hunted the wilderness, fed on gath- ered food, drank from the river and slept in caves. With their hunger satiated, their thirst quenched and their safety assured, they were contented. With this contentment, they mated, bore their young ones and sustained mankind on earth. Then came the concept of bartering, wherein meat was traded for fruit and wool was traded for tools. Then as civilization pro- gressed, came a centralized transacting mechanism of the money system wherein any good or any service is converted to money first and this money is used to avail any other form of good or service. A new tool that facilitated trade in a grander scale came into existence. Now someone had to be charged with the regulation of this money or currency supply among the people which directly affected the flow of good and services between the people. Today the banks and the governments have assumed this charge of making policies related to money supply in the soci- ety. The policies related to the issue and sustenance of money in the social system has been convoluted and contorted right from the birth of currency system that no man, albeit with a sound mind, can grasp the concepts with ease. So, a group masquerading as the Banks operate the flow of money into the system all over the world and thereby regulate the flow of goods and services among the people since the time of their inception. More money, less goods made the prices soar higher and the vice versa plummeted the prices. Thus, your labor, the fruits of your labor can be evaluated and a price can be fixed by the banks and their fickle monetary policies in a centralized money system. When the goods and services you bring forth into the system out of your labor is valuated lesser than the goods and services you avail for your sustenance in a standardized monetary system, you will be slowly and painfully pushed into a state of poverty, an artificial, man-made poverty. As Banks and Governments have the all might to control the amount of money in circulation in the economic system, this gives them the absolute power to steal money from a certain sector of people and accumulate it within another sector utilizing the trickeries and loop- holes discussed earlier. As one people struggle to meet their daily needs, anoth- er privileged group enjoy the ultimate luxuries siphoned from the former using money as the medium. Going back to the good ol days when money wasn't even conceptualized, you were the king of your labor and you could have demanded anything you wished in return for your good or service borne out of your labor. If at all, there was no one to trade your goods with, you could have utilized them for self betterment using the god-given gift of common sense. Somewhere in the due course of civilization, we had lost our identity to thrive by individual efforts. With the banks tightening the money flow and the Governments imposing taxes on the people at every nook and turn, a major part of the human society is hopelessly cornered into near poverty no matter how much labor they turn in to the market. There is general dissatisfaction, with the overall quality of life imposed on the hu- man kind by the monetary system. If the people can only realize that the monetary system is fiat in nature and the value of their labor is definitely of higher standard than the currency used to trade it with, there is a chance of reclaiming the individual satisfaction of life and labor long lost in the history of mankind. Have you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born? – Benny Hill