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F E E L A T H O M E PAGE - 12 Apr 2019 1-844-AZINDIA Suffering from Hypothyroidism? These Lifetstyle and Diet changes May help You. By Dr. Meghna Thacker HOLISTIC HEALTH FROM INSIDE OUT English is a very funny language. Jail and Prison are Synonyms. But... Jailer and Prisoner are Antonyms! ȁǿȀȅ ȁǿȀȆ ȁǿȀȇ Having battled with hypothyroidism for the last 8 years since giving birth to my son, I have deep empathy for anyone suffering from this hormone-related dis- order. Like diabetes, this one too is a silent killer that can hamper your lifestyle even in its mildest form, causing fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, mood swings, irregular periods and dry skin, among other issues. In its severest form, if left untreated, it can lead to myxedema, a life-threatening condition that can lead to a loss of consciousness, or even coma. “ The thyroid gland is our master gland for metabolism. When it is not produc- ing enough thyroid hormones like in the case of hypothyroidism, everything slows down, leading to these symptoms, ” from my bestselling book Seven Steps To Heal Your Thyroid which focuses on helping hypothyroid patients increase energy levels, improve moods and rev up weight loss. Among the many causes that lead to these imbalances, our environment expo- sure also plays a huge role on our thyroid health. Heavy metals get attached to the thyroid tissue and impact the conversion of T4 to T3 (T3 is the active hormone that our cells utilize to produce energy). We are exposed to lead through house paint and old water pipes, cadmium from sec- ondary cigarette smoking, mercury toxicity from dental amalgams and also fish. As such, heavy metal exposure hugely impacts your thyroid function. I believe in the trinity of health—body, mind and spirit—and that one needs to be balanced at all these levels for optimal health. Here, I share five tips that can help hypothy- roidism symptoms. The top five lifestyle changes you can make to control hypothyroidism Exercise: You need to do this to stimulate your metabolism, but you shouldn’t push yourself too hard either. Intermittent exercises that increase the heart rate are very helpful. For example, do 50 jump- ing jacks thrice a day. Drink water: You should consume enough—we suggest half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 150lbs, drink at least 75 ounces of water per day. Meditate: These days, we are always on the go. Multitasking and constant stimu- lation brings stress to our bodies. Take a moment to just breathe. Practice 20 min- utes of meditation. I recently attended the Inner Engineering program by Sadhguru (Isha Foundation) and learned the Shamb- havi Kriya he teaches. It is wonderful flow of yoga asanas, breathing and meditation. Change your diet: I recommend a most- ly plant-based diet with a balance of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. Do not skip carbs completely as good carbs are essential for conversion of T4 to T3, which is the active thyroid hormone. Avoiding carbs is a common mistake people with hypothyroidism make when they are trying to lose weight—it only works against them. Eat smaller meals: Five to six meals is ideal. If you go long hours between eat- ing, it slows down your metabolism, which is the problem in hypothyroidism to begin with. A good sample diet to follow: • 8am: Protein smoothie (with vegan protein powder) + spinach+ strawberries • 11am: A handful of nuts (Brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts) • 1pm: Boiled eggs and salad • 4pm: Apple with cashew butter • 7pm: Quinoa with cooked veggies In addition to Diet & Lifestyle changes, add Thyroid Balance to your daily pro- tocol. One capsule 2 times a day. It provides all the nutrients needed for your thy- roid to work better, naturally. If you are already on Synthroid or Levothyroxine and dealing with symptoms of hypothyroidism, use Thyroid Balance with a meal/ snack two times a day (away from your thyroid medication which is taken on an empty stomach). I proudly announce that my supplements are manufactured in Florida by Xymogen . They use the highest quality ingredients and third party testing and have the strictest quality control. Go to to purchase your bottle of Thyroid Balance. I am seeing wonderful results in my patients and want to help you too.